Along with the City Council Resettlement Team, Canterbury Welcomes Refugees is supporting Afghan families temporarily placed in Canterbury. At present we have been asked not to collect in kind donations as some of the families will be moving on to more permanent accommodation in other parts of the country quite quickly. However we would very much appreciate financial donations so that we can respond quickly to needs as they arise. Donations can be made here.

How do your donations help us?

Bikes, helmets and bike lights:
CWR has provided bicycles to a number of families resettling locally providing low cost transport and independence for both adults and children. The bicycles have either been donated or bought with donated money.

Internet Access:
Providing access to the internet is important for newly arrived families . It is very hard to be an active citizen without it. It is also often the only way that families have to communicate with family and friends in their home country.

Furniture and household items:
We raise the money to furnish houses ready for refugee families who arrive with little more than the clothes they are wearing. (We are also happy to accept donations of furniture and household items when we are about to receive a new family, but we do not have storage so the timing has to be right.)

​Food for the first few weeks:
CWR provides food for the newly arrived families who will have no income for the first few weeks following their arrival in the UK.

School Uniforms:
School uniforms are a major expense for newly arrived families who may have several school age children all needing to be equipped at the same time ready to start their education here.

Warm clothing:
Families may travel to the UK in the middle of winter coming from much warmer climates.
They are often in immediate need of winter clothing such as hats scarfs and shoes.